Friday, September 28, 2012
Thinking Ahead
**First, I have to tell everyone how seriously over the moon happy I get when you send me pictures or comments about trying my projects or recipes. I get downright giddy! Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking the time to reach out to me. So please, PLEASE keep all the pictures and comments coming both here on the blog and facebook page. I love each and every one of them. You all are amazing** virtual hugs! .... in case you couldn't tell...I'm a hugger.
Second, I wanted to share with you some of the awesome things I found out shopping at The Christmas Tree Shoppes the other day. The stores already have some Christmas items out. A lot of people groan when they see this (did you groan?) I however, get crazy happy. I in no way want to rush the fall, I LOVE the fall. It's just that to me, the span of time from September 1st to January 1st is holiday time. So whether that be putting mums on my porch, or stocking up on wrapping paper, it's all glorious, fantastic, pumpkin spice latte awesomesauce to me. I skip through the aisles at the store, like a little kid..... I'm not kidding. A few of my best friends luckily feel the same way so we have created a support group ... again... not kidding.
On to the purchases!
Yep, It's a "Grow Your Own Christmas Tree" kit. My girls can't wait to plant it. It was only $1.69, so if a tree doesn't actually grow (I'm not holding my breathe) it's no big deal. If one does grow, then it looks like we won't need to buy a Christmas tree at Christmas 2042, so that's something to look forward to.
What awesome timing! If you want to make your own ribbon wreath just like mine, they had 10 yard spools of wired Christmas ribbon for only $1.99 each! There were a ton of choices and even had a bunch of blues and silvers if you want a change from red/green/gold.
A possible mirror for the new bathroom. Yes, I know it's not oval, like the moodboard, (that's the first thing Jared said when he saw it, too) but it was only $17.00! Plus I was drawn to it's shimmeriness and I thought the little round pebble trim would tie in nicely with the glass penny tile. If it doesn't work in the master, I could always use it in one of the other bathrooms (which still only have their original builder flat mirrors). So I exclaimed "I'll take it!"....... OK, really I just put it in my cart and tried to keep Sadie from hitting her lollipop against it.
Anyone else give their kids lollipops while your are shopping to keep them happy? Lollipops are the parent's secret weapons. Please tell me I'm not alone :-)
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoy your day!
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- CoffeeandCream
- Hi! Thanks for stopping by. I'm a 28-year-old mommy who loves to bake,cook, decorate,sew,and DIY everything I can get my hands on. Grab yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy my adventures!
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She's not kidding. She really is that excited. :)
You are too funny!!!!
This is truly the best time of year, I love the holidays so much, so I'm with you on that. I'm a new follower from Monday Mingle and look forward to getting to know more about you and your blog.
Looks like you have a bunch of fun crafts ahead of you! I love your blog it is so cute. New follower from Monday Mingle! If you get a chance stop by my blog.
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